Let’s catch up!

I know it’s been a while.  Feels like both a long time and no time at all.  I’ve received several messages on here, via email and on Facebook asking about Summering and its status.  The short answer: it’s still in progress.  Why is it taking me so long?  Where have I been?  Did I fall off the face of the earth?

No.  I didn’t fall off the earth, but close – in a way.  I was pregnant.  I was due in December, but our bundle of joy joined us in November instead – almost 4 weeks early.  So, many of the things I hoped to get done (like finishing up her room, some organization around the house as well as finishing Summering) didn’t happen.  My doctor “grounded” me about a month before I was due and planned to get a lot done with the “extra” time off.  Little did I know my life would change before I expected.  So, between the holidays and my little girl, this first time mom was busy!

I think I’m finally getting the hang of things and I’m ready to, slowly, get back to things in my life pre-baby.  First on the list, my writing.  I want to get some chapters written before I go back to work next month.  I may not be ready to do anything physical, but writing, I can.  Wish me luck!

Thanks to those who wrote in desperation, curiosity and desire for book 5.  I didn’t forget about you or Liz and Patrick.  Life was just on hiatus for a bit, but I’m back and anxious to get to it!

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One Response to Let’s catch up!

  1. Judy Harder says:

    Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! It’s true, your life will never be the same now that you are a Mom, and that’s the way I’m sure you want it. Sorry to hear about your complications, and I hope you and she are well and strong now.
    I’m still (virtually) hanging out with the gang in the hospital waiting room, waiting for an update on Liz. In the meantime, I may just re-read the series thus far…. I love your characters and their stories.
    Judy Harder
    Phoenix, AZ

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